In Today’s modern time mobile is the most engaging gadget we use everyday. Research shows that almost everyday 4 hrs is spent by people on using mobile. So we can imagine that how important is mobile app right now to consumers. Most of the eCommerce brand gets much more orders from mobile apps than through website. So making an app in mobile is not a secondary now-a-days, its required. Then the debate comes what technology we will use developing the mobile app. Here i am briefing some important points that we all keep in mind while choosing a Technology.
Hybrid Mobile Apps:
Hybrid mobile apps are those apps which are built in technologies like ionic, Phonegap , etc. They are basically a website wrapped in a native container which can connect the phone underlying hardware. Here are some advantages of it:
- We can build a mobile app in ionic and that app can be used both in IOS and ANDROID. So basically building a single app with some customization based on mobile os we can use that app in both major mobile os platform.
- They are comparatively cheaper to built because we are building one app for multiple platforms, though some customization needed to port it to different mobile OS.
- Upgrading is easy because we have to upgrade one codebase and that will be applicable to all the platforms
- User Interface will look same in IOS and Android.
We had looked some advantages of Hybrid App. Lets have a look at some disadvantages now
- They are hugely slow in User Interface than Native Apps.
- The look and feel of User Interface is more like website than an app.
- Some features are not supported by Hybrid Apps.
- Your apps can get outdated if Google or Apple stop giving support for some libraries that this hybrid apps .support to contact the phone hardware.
Now lets discuss Native Apps
Native Apps:
Native apps are those apps which are built on the platform that are given or built by the owners of respective mobile os companies like android and ios. For Android we use Java and for IOS we use swift. Both have their respective IDE for android its Android Studio and for IOS is Xcode. Lets discuss some advantages of it:
- They are fast and User Interface is very smooth.
- They don’t look like websites , they look like more mobile apps and their UI resembles their OS. So for example the app in android will look like android and same for IOS.
- Support for technology will be provided by the OS manufacturer so you need not to worry about that.
- The user experience will be much better and hence it will be uninstalled much less than any hybrid apps.
Lets look at the disadvantages of Native Apps :
- They are more costly because we need to built separate apps for separate platforms
- Upgradation is time consuming because we need to upgrade in both platforms.
So we saw the advantages and disadvantages of both technologies . We Digifrizz Tecnnolies LLP develop both type of Apps but our recommendation to client is always native. It is because it feels more like an app than a website and user experience is far more superior.
So contact us Today for free evaluation of your business need for mobile apps and we are happy to serve you.
Happy Business